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Install and Configure Husky Software

Description: Setting up the Husky robot PC from scratch using an installer image.

Keywords: Clearpath Husky

Tutorial Level: ADVANCED

Next Tutorial: Customize Husky Configuration

This tutorial forgoes using the official Clearpath ISO images for your Husky bringup, leading to a non-standard and unsupported Husky configuration. We highly recommend you use the ISO-installer based tutorial unless absolutely necessary.

  1. Setup your robot PC to your preference, with either Ubuntu Saucy or Trusty.
  2. Setup ROS Indigo (http://wiki.ros.org/indigo/Installation/Ubuntu)

  3. Setup the Clearpath Robotics packages repository (http://packages.clearpathrobotics.com)

  4. Install the Husky packages:
     $ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-husky-robot
  5. Install the udev rules that come with Husky:
     $ sudo cp $(rospack find husky_bringup)/udev/*.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
  6. Create a robot-wide setup file, such as /etc/ros/setup.bash (sample below):

    # Mark location of self so that robot_upstart knows where to find the setup file.
    export ROBOT_SETUP=/etc/ros/setup.bash
    # Setup robot upstart jobs to use the IP from the network bridge.
    # export ROBOT_NETWORK=br0
    # Insert extra platform-level environment variables here. The six hashes below are a marker
    # for scripts to insert to this file.
    # Pass through to the main ROS workspace of the system.
    source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
  7. Source this robot-wide setup file in your ~/.bashrc file:

    source /etc/ros/setup.bash
  8. Refresh your environment by executing:
     $ . ~/.bashrc
  9. Create a robot_upstart job to start the Husky software each time the robot PC is booted. This command will create the job, and copy the base.launch file to the /etc/ros/indigo/husky-core.d/ directory:
     $ rosrun robot_upstart install husky_base/launch/base.launch --job husky_core --setup '/etc/ros/setup.bash'
  10. To start launch files for additional standard Husky components, we can augment the husky-core job. Run the following command to add any launch files in the husky_bringup/launch/um6_config/ directory to the job:
    $ rosrun robot_upstart install husky_bringup/launch/um6_config --job husky_core --augment

Wiki: husky_bringup/Tutorials/Install Husky Software (Advanced) (last edited 2015-03-11 12:31:43 by PaulBovbel)